Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) to help small babies born prematurely or with low birth weights survive and thrive. As of May 16, 2023, updated guidelines encourage a major shift – placing mothers at the heart of care and encouraging love, warmth, and compassion over traditional medical interventions.1,2

What is Kangaroo Mother Care?1,2

  • KMC is like a cozy hug for your baby, holding them close against your bare skin.
  • KMC is a way for you to bond with your little one, just like baby kangaroos snuggle in their mother’s pouch.
  • KMC is more than routine skin-to-skin contact that is recommended for all newborns in the first hour after birth. 

How Kangaroo Mother Care Is Taking the Lead in Preterm Care1,2

  • In the past, hospitals and machines took the lead in preterm baby care and mother and baby were often separated. KMC returns the focus of care to moms.
  • Under this new paradigm, mothers are encouraged to directly care for their preterm or low birth weight babies immediately after birth and continuously thereafter. 
  • Unless a critical health issue is present for mother or baby, mother and baby are placed in continuous and prolonged skin-to-skin contact (at least 8 hours per day or for as many hours as possible). Any procedures or exams are done while practicing KMC. 

The Impact of Kangaroo Mother Care1,2

  • KMC is a life saving intervention. Recent studies show up to a 40% decrease in mortality for high-risk newborns with the use of KMC.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding or breast-milk feeding is better supported when NICU babies are nurtured through KMC.
  • By respecting, empowering and supporting mothers as primary caregivers, KMC builds mothers’ confidence to care for their infants and improves bonding and attachment.
  • Mothers who practice KMC have a 24% lower risk of moderate to severe depressive symptoms and overall report less stress and anxiety.
  • Babies whose mothers use KMC end their hospital stays earlier and go home sooner.

How to1,2

  • Hold your baby on your bare chest and in your arms right after birth. Isolettes should no longer be the default spot for most babies.
  • Place your naked baby against your bare chest after birth; add a diaper while baby is in the NICU after your KMC golden hour post-birth.
  • Cover your baby’s back with a soft blanket or joey band to keep in the warmth.
  • Keep the cuddle going during your waking hours as often as you can.
  • After discharge from the hospital, continue to bond with baby with KMC until your baby’s estimated due date and beyond.

Benefits of Kangaroo Mother Care1,2

  • Maintains your baby’s optimal temperature.
  • Keeps your baby’s heart in an ideal rhythm.
  • Supports faster weight gain for your baby.
  • Promotes better sleep for your baby.
  • Enhances breastfeeding success.
  • Lowers stress levels for both mothers and babies.

What If I Have Questions?

If you are interested in learning more, these Aeroflow classes expand on some of the topics discussed above:

  • Ultimate Breastfeeding Prep
  • Ultimate Multiples Prep

To register for these classes, log into your portal or click here.

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